Friday, August 28, 2015

Storybook Favorites

After doing some browsing, I noticed a trend in what really piqued my interest. I may have left out that I enjoy the macabre and weird on occasion. Did I leave that out of my intro? Guess so! I love shows like Deadly Women, American Horror Story, and any scary movie that may or may not include buckets of blood and guts. I work in a hospital, and during the night shift no less...we see some crazy stuff. But you are free to judge me if you like, ha! 

My favorite of all three storybooks that I read was one titled Indian Horror Story by Hoang Truong.

Image Source: A screenshot of the storybook's website, Indian Horror Story
It's the first one I clicked on and I actually ended up reading the whole thing. The concept was awesome and it kept me reading, so that's a plus. Very good story! After reading the introduction I just knew I couldn't just stop there. The layout of the page was simple but emitted the mood of the story. Very well done. I enjoyed how the main character went and saw the different visions of different occupants of the house in the past. 

The second one shouldn't come as a surprise since I picked it based off just the title, Evil Women of the Ramayana.
Sounds intriguing right? I was totally on board. It wasn't exactly as dark as I was expecting, just going based of the title, but it was a very good story. It has a good point and moral of the story. The stories blended well together and transitioned in a way that was easy to understand. 

My final storybook I didn't pick because of the above reasons, but it did look interesting, because I know that some of the gods and goddesses in India have some sort of animalistic characteristics to them, like body parts and such. It is called Hindu Beasts. At first I thought that the story about Ganesha the wise was going to be something similar to the Tortoise and the Hare, but not quite.I really did enjoy it. It was probably my second favorite. I really liked how the perspective was that of someone telling a bedtime story, in a casual manner. 

Overall I'm very excited to plan out my project and after reading these I hope to do a good job. I didn't quite grasp how we would be doing things 

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