Monday, December 7, 2015

Reflections - Week 15

Ah the nostalgia.
Just kidding, currently in a the middle of a mental breakdown since finals are upon us. But, here I'm going to take a look at what I did for this class.
What can I say, it was a lot of work. But, for what it was worth, I took away a lot from this course. Above all I enjoyed the assignments. I would have never thought that I would create a portfolio like the ones we did this semester and it is still weird to me to see the stories and know that I wrote them. Oh, especially the ones I based off Harry Potter. I didn't think those would be decent at all but, I am a little proud of them. Nerd alert.

I loved the freedom this class gave me in terms of just work schedule. That was something that made it so easy for me. Oh, and the constant feedback I was able to get from Professor Gibbs was especially helpful. She was always there to answer questions and just give good advice. I have never had a professor be so involved in the course to the point where it doesn't even feel like it's an online course. And that is something I really feel stood out to me.

Word of advice to you future kiddos...
WORK AHEAD. I cannot stress that enough. There was a week or two where I was ahead and it hit during a busy time for my other classes and it was awesome. ALSO! That little tidbit of advice Professor Gibbs give you to set a schedule for yourself to sit down and work on your that too.
It will save you a lot of time and grief! :)

Reading Evaluation

Personally, I really enjoyed the Ramayana the best! Especially the modern prose version I opted to read by Narayan. I downloaded the Kindle version of this book and it worked for me since I'm always on the go. Plus the modernized version helped me understand the story a lot better. I have a really crazy life schedule you could say, with work and school full time, so my readings were very sporatic. It really helps to have a set schedule and have set days where you focus mainly on this class. I find that it would be way easier and managable if I was able to do that instead of going day by day like I've had to. It is a smart plan and I recommend it.

Advice for students next semester?...

WORK AHEAD! You will be glad you did! Trust me.

Week 14 Review

Here's my favorite little gem from this week's announcements!

It can be found here!

Growth Mindset Meme
Image Source: Blospot

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week 13: Growth Mindset

Determination Quote
Image Source: Flickr

I had noticed that I wasn't too good at writing stories with lots of dialogue in them. It was a bit of a challenge for me to try to incorporate that aspect in terms of rules of punctuation and such. Actually, my earlier stories didn't have much dialogue at all! So these past couple of weeks I have tried to add more dialogue and that was a challenge in itself! I did need some help revising my stories when it came to where I placed by periods and learning the rules when it came to quotations. But, I think I did learn something from trying this new writing style. Hopefully this will carry with me and help in the future with my writing in general!

Reading Feedback: Week 13

Encouraging quote
Image Source: Flickr

I initially decided to read another version of the Ramayana for my free choice readings. But, I had not taken into consideration the wide array of comic books available at the Biz. I found myself really short on time so they became a huge help! I found them to be extremely cool and condensed the stories into a nice and short comic without taking away from the essence of the original stories. The comics were obviously illustrated as well so it gave me another look into the stories and helped me picture them in my mind a lot better than when I just read the books. These past few weeks you could say I've been in the Bizzell on Monday and Tuesday more than usual but these comics and having the option of using them as a reading diary option have really helped me and they were enjoyable to read on top of that!

Week 13 Review

Yet again, growth mindset kitties putting me back on the right track!

Growth Mindset meme
Image Source: Blogger

My most favorite and preferred part of the weekly announcements! It's almost over!

Famous Last Words - Week 13

My current state
Image Source: Flickr

I find myself struggling to keep up with my school work now a days. Which is very frustrating but, I knew it would happen around this time of year. I am severely lacking sleep and now have to catch up a study for two exams I have in a few days! Terrible, just terrible. Thanksgiving break didn't feel like a break to me. It only set me behind with all the preparation and on top of that I had to work on Thanksgiving due to holiday rotation. So now, I'm scrambling to save my GPA!

Was barely able to enroll in my Spring and Summer 2016 courses. Let me tell you how much of a headache that was! I'm just looking forward to winter break! I get to go to California to visit my best friend who is stationed there for a couple of weeks. So, I'm trying to get through this semester and just keep swimming!

I'm doing decent in my biz calc class. I have an exam for that class in a couple of days so I'm hoping and praying it all goes well. I'm on the borderline of a mental break down. No biggie. Let me just go cry and whatnot. I'm trying to handle this all the best I can, because I know it will all be over soon.
This week we had to nominate our favorite portfolio's and storybooks. Of course I already had a great idea of which I really liked. So, that wasn't too hard to do. Everyone has grown so much and their writing skills have improved as the semester progressed. It is kind of cool to see the growth everyone was exhibiting.

On a brighter note, that Bedlam game! PHEW!!! How freaking exciting was that! That was one of the main reasons I didn't get much done last night! Boomer!